Jared wants a gun. He wants a Pistol or a Rifle, (I can pick) but thats all he tells me he wants for his birthday, for fathers day (he's not even a father) and christmas. Before we were married he told me instead of wearing a wedding ring he wants to wear a holster with a gun.;-) what a dork!
He REALLY wants one, and I just don't know if I want one hanging around our place, I don't know if it's because I didn't grow up around guns? He is from a small town and grew up hunting, and now we live in Texas where everyone has a gun and they all carry a gun around. So I just wondering what ya'll think??? I made a poll.......
I grew up with guns in my home too, a lot of them. My dad taught us all how to shoot them and I loved it. He also taught us the importance of gun safety, how to store your ammo away from your gun and to NEVER point the gun at someone. With that said, I wouldn't want a gun in my home. No way, no how! If my kids want to shoot guns, they can go to Grandaddy Coy's and learn. Or they can head up to Monticello and learn from Grandpa Dowell.
What in the world would Jared use it for? Do you plan on hunting down here? If so, maybe I should hook you up with my dad.
I am going on record to vouch for Jared as a very responsible gun owner and user. (He even passed his fifth grade hunter's safety course with flying colors.) As much as he loves to play jokes and tease, he always handles guns with seriousness and responsibility. Honestly, there is no one I would trust more with owning a gun. Also, I would NOT buy a handgun. I would stick to a rifle.
A gun and Mary Stevens....one of these things is not like the other....ha ha ha ha!
Yeah, my husband has 3 guns and has his eye on another. I HATE guns. Its a guy thing for sure. let him get one I guess.
Hi Mary! I was passing through and thought I would respond to your question. Shane has been wanting to get a gun as well. We have discussed this for some time now and in this day and age it is probably a wise investment. I just get worried about one of the kids accidently pulling the trigger! On the other hand,a man's gotta protect his family. Shane has expressed to me on many occasions how helpless he would be if someone broke into our home. It is a man's responsiblity to "protect" the family." But you are not alone, I get worried about owning a gun for so many reasons myself! So I think it would be ok for Jared to have a gun! :o)
Bret wants a gun too. It took me a while to warm up to the idea. The way I looked at it really changed when I considered how it is our constitutional right to keep and bear arm and some people are trying very hard to take that right away from us. It struck me that our inspired founding fathers must have believed it was very important for us to protect our home and family. Bret doesn’t have one yet, and my view may change after we have one and have to keep it away from our kids. It’s a tough decision. Good Luck.
Brandon went to a concealed weapons class and then went and bought a gun. I wasn't really sure about it, but then we started watching these shows, called "I survived.." and I WAS SO HAPPY HE BOUGHT ONE, THEN some scary things happened to us, and EACH time I WAS SO THANKFUL we had a gun....the first things I said was, "where's your gun" and I am so happy we have one. You do need to take the proper precautions but I think now-a-days, you need to do whatever you can to keep you and your kids safe. I have heard hand-guns are hard to aim and shoot, especially in the heat of the moment, but thats what we have, so we just go and practice shooting.
My vote is still No! YES I would love to see you when call me!
JP wants to get a gun too and he wants me to get a tazer (no idea how to spell that and I'm too lazy to look it up). I'm not really sure how I feel about it. I figure if I just ignore it it will go away! If you don't call me when you come, we won't be friends anymore. Does that answer your question? Love ya!
When are you coming to town??? I wanna see you and you NEED and HAVE to set aside a night for us okay???
Jared would not be a man without his gun.
I recommend getting a handgun, an AR-15 assault rifle (with ample ammunition), and a shotgun. The shotgun is for your food storage (if you ever need to use it, you'll need to be able to protect it). The handgun is for personal protection like at Walmart when someone cuts you in line. The assault rifle is when Dallas riots and the Mexican druglords take over.
Disclaimer: Be it known that this post was written by Jeff, not Mikki.
I think that it is natural for you to be apprehensive about owning a gun. People have an innate tendency to fear things that they don’t fully understand, or that they may view as being dangerous. But you shouldn’t allow your nervousness to supersede your husband’s right/responsibility to protect you (or even your ability to protect yourself).
If guns kill people, do pens misspell words? (sarcasm intended) I’m sure you’ve heard it a hundred times before, but I’m going to say it again… “Guns don’t kill people; people kill people.” Generally speaking, you would be safe to insert words like ignorant, careless, irresponsible, or evil into the above sentence. These are the types of people that you so desperately need to protect yourself from. As someone else has already pointed out, the Second Amendment to the Constitution (part of the Bill of Rights, which was ratified in December of 1791) provides us the right to ‘keep and bear arms.’ On June 26, 2008, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the Washington D.C. handgun ban, and decided for the first time in the nation's history that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual's right to own a gun for SELF-DEFENSE. While it’s nice to know that we have police who are paid to protect us, it’s silly to think that we will have an officer by our side 24 hours a day. What happens when someone forces entry into your home (with obvious ill-intent)? Do you bake him cookies and keep him entertained with good conversation while you wait ten minutes for the police to show up, or do you protect your self?
You guys don’t have kids right now, so you can remove a huge factor from the gun buying equation. That being said, you should understand that having kids does not exclude someone from safely owning firearms. I grew up with guns in my house. I was taught how to use them, and I understood that they were not toys. The most dangerous things in my home were, without a doubt, my bicycle and my trampoline. Fast-forward a few years… you and Jared now have kids. Imagine how differently this post would sound if you said, “Jared and I just moved into a new house, and he really wants a swimming pool.” Most people would encourage the idea of a swimming pool, but the fact is that a child is 100 times more likely to die in a swimming accident than in gun play, writes Steven D. Levitt, University of Chicago economics professor (author of the book "Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side to Everything"). The top five killers of children in this country are: motor vehicle accidents, fires, choking, poisoning, and drowning. Gun deaths are nowhere near the top. According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, annual 0-14 year old mortality is: auto (2,608), drowning (1,010), pedestrian (675), bicycle (201), and gun accidents (142). Gun homicides in the same age group totaled 346, and that includes legal intervention and self-defense.
We have six handguns in the house right now. They don’t run around at night, pulling their own triggers. They are machines that follow orders, and they are as safe as the person operating them. These guns are a source of recreation and a means of personal protection. When they are used responsibly, they are perfectly safe.
We had so much fun w/ y'all this past weekend. Thanks for hanging out with us. It's time to update the blog though. I want to hear about your crazy night dancing!!!
They say it's your birthday dear Mary! Happy Birthday Happy Birthday to you! I don't remember the rest of the song, but I hope you are having a Happy Happy Birthday! I love you!!!!
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